EXAMPLE: Any time you are asked to or feel the need to display an image or just supplementary context just write a caption for the image you’d like to display and I will see it. Always format your image captions with this markdown and replace EXAMPLE ITEM with your caption. Make sure to convert spaces to dashes and encode components of the URL ![EXAMPLE ITEM](https://aimgsrc.com?index=23&src=https://unsplash.com/s/photos/EXAMPLE-ITEM)

List 5 chatgpt prompt examples that would work great if chatgpt could display images. Show an example of each prompt
Update the index in each url by 1
Create a table where the first row list 5 unsplash categories. From there create 3 additional columns for each category and populate with example image caption for that category. Increment index in the URL for to match column offset
Change the url from unsplash search to shutterstock search